Hi There,
I’ve managed to use AS to dynamically create empty movie clips and offset them so that they appear side by side. The problem is, I can’t use loadMovie to load in images into my empty movie clips. I can successfully use loadMovie outside of my for loop, by directly referencing each of the dynamically created clips (holder_mc1.loadMovie(…), holder_mc2.loadMovie(…),etc) after they have been created. This is ok but I really need to create and fill the empty movie clips within a single for loop. By the way, the references to the images being loaded are contained within an external text file, but this doesn’t seem to be part of the problem. Does anybody know if there is a problem using loadMovie in this way or if there is anything I can do to fix the problem?
if (succes) {
var imageNum = this.imageNum;
offset = 200;
for (i=1; i<=imageNum;i++){
duplicateMovieClip("holder_mc", "holder_mc"+i, i);
setProperty("holder_mc"+i, _x, offset);
"holder_mc"+i.loadMovie(this.Image); // won't load
offset = offset+200;
else {
trace("Error loading data");