Using PHP to print an image

I have a PHP script that’s supposed to print any of five .gif pictures, with the colors of the pictures determined by its arguments. What am I doing wrong?..

 Given a string of hexadecimal characters, print the binary.
function printHex($str) {
    // chr() converts a byte to the ascii character
    if (strlen($str)%2) {
        throw new Exception("invalid image!");
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i+=2) {
        $one = ord($str{$i}); // get the code of the character
        $two = ord($str{$i+1});
        if (48 <= $one && $one <= 57) {
            $one -= 48;
        } elseif (65 <= $one && $one <= 70) {
            $one -= 55;
        } elseif (97 <= $one && $one <= 102) {
            $one -= 87;
        } else {
            throw new Exception("invalid hex character!");
        if (48 <= $two && $two <= 57) {
            $two -= 48;
        } elseif (65 <= $two && $two <= 70) {
            $two -= 55;
        } elseif (97 <= $two && $two <= 102) {
            $two -= 87;
        } else {
            throw new Exception("invalid hex character!");
        print(chr(($one <<4)|$two));

function isvalid($str) {
    if (strlen($str) != 6) return false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
        $char = ord($str{$i});
        if ((48 > $char || $char > 57) && (65 > $char || $char > 70) && (97 > $char || $char > 102)) return false;
    return true;

$img = $_GET['image'];
$color = $_GET['color'];

if (!isvalid($color)) {
    throw new Exception("invalid hex color!");

header('Content-type: image/gif');

if ($img == 'announce') {
} elseif ($img == 'lowborder') {
} elseif ($img == 'highborder') {
} elseif ($img == 'middle') {
} elseif ($img == 'background') {
} else {
    throw new Exception('image is not one of announce, lowborder, highborder, middle, background.');

(update: accidentally switched one and two in the print statement of printHex)