Using Pixel Font With Custom Scroller?

Hi Peeps,

Havent posted in a while here. Anyhoo, I paid money to use my damb “FFF Professional” Pixel Font and I’m stressing trying to get it working with a scroller I used. It works wen I preview it on my pc, but on others it doesnt work, and shows up as one of the main fonts. You know, Veranda, Times New Roman, Arial; one of those. Heres the Tutorial I used to do it:

Basically, The font ONLY shows up correctly on my pc, offline and when I upload it online. I figure that’s, because I have the font installed. But it should still work for others right? What am I doing wrong? How do you use my paid for Pixel Font with a custom scroller. And Dont recommend me those damb $35 scrolling thingys, I’ve spent enough money already. There must be a way to do it without Spend Spend Spend. :trout:

Please if you can help me, asap please. Thanks guys