Using text variable to control MC timelines

I have an external text file that flash loads variables from. each variable contains a number that corresponds to a frame in a movie clip instance. What I would like to do is - have the main time line tell each instance name of each movie clip to goto and stop on it’s corresponding value.

My text file includes the following: bapparel=5&bfootwear=70&bretail=35

there are thee instances of a MC on the main time line.
Each one is named (bappaerl, bfootwear, bretail, respectively.)

I would like to set up an action on the main time line that would tell each of the MC instance to go to it’s corresponding frame number and stop.

I have been at this for days to no avail - Please help or direct me if you can.

Many thanks.


Hello Calvin,
Unfortunately, I really don’t know what may be causing this problem. Try contacting the ActionScript gurus at Were-here. The URL is:

I hope that helps. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reply back.

Kirupa Chinnathambi