Soul, I’m one yours?
I don’t get it, do you me on yours? Then how did you respond, or are you making a comedy?
Sorry, just got off from a stressful day at work and things aren’t makin sense
i think im on mostly everyones rotflmao
your not on mine.
*Originally posted by Alex *
**your not on mine.
really??? wow im surprised so not everyone hates me?? kewl
why would everyone hate you?
lol 28, it was a joke :-\
Awww isn’t 28 like the little puppy you just gotta pat on the head? :beam:
- Soul :s:
because sometimes people think i post to start things and stuff, like the mac topics and nintendo ones lol
i haven’t used that feature yet and i don’t think i’m going to, though i have been tempted at times. i just think it’s kinda rude. not everybody spams on these boards. everybody says something meaningful from time to time. people make their mistakes along their way and i forgive them.
haha soul
yes, yes i am
i agree with malocadi
i will never use this feature because i believe everyone has a diffrent opinion and i like to learn alot, we just cant ignore a person because he/she doesnt think like us we have to respect other peoples opinion and learn from our mistakes
i believe that i have opinions… haha you know whos on my ignore list…uhhhh…ill get back to this when i think of something funny…
everyones has opinions fez
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**everyones has opinions rev **
*Originally posted by Aislin *
(Everyone, Mak, myself, and dippy are on Dan’s list)
what? darn…i’m on another list…hope Dan’s isn’t a T0-kill or To-Torture list…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
Rev **
OMG sorry rev i meant fez rotflmao you see what happens when you browse the forum and flash ill edit that post asap rev sorry lol
no harm, I just thought I had forgotten something I had said… I have been kinda preachy lately…
“Like Mr Raise my hand here…”
Sorry, couldn’t help it, had to read it.
[sarcastic]Good one. . . .[/sarcastic]
No one is on my ignore list. I just ignore the people I want to naturally. I think the ignore list makes it more of a pain to do it because I never know if the person actually has something I would like to hear or not. If I don’t want to read something, I can skip over it myself, instead of clicking a link to read a post to find out I wanted to ignore that one anyway.