Hi, I have this problem regarding loading a new swf file in the flash movie. I want to have a preloader before the new swf is loaded… I was wonderin how to achieve this effect. And how it would look seamless in the animation. Thanks.
you have to make the preloader in the loaded swf
How can I make the preloader in the loaded swf when the swf has actions that cannot be opened as fla?
Ani, are those swfs made by you? If they were then you should have the fla for them. If not then you’re stuck, you cant edit a swf file without its fla to my knowledge. So no fla, no preloader for those swf.
I think… I think I’ve heard somehwere that there’s some kinda program that coverts swfs to fla but I might be wrong of course… :-\
Thanks guys for your help! If i encounter problems, i’ll consult the forum again…tnx. Keep on Flashing!:goatee:
Thank you for your help.