Using the ScrollPane component

hi everyone, i am a new kirupa user and i have just recently been using mx 2004, i am wondering if anone could help me with a problem…i am trying to use the new scrollpane feature in mx 2004 and i am wondering what how to call a library item into the window…not sure where to put the code or what to call the item in the library to get it into my scrollpane window.

much love and thanks for ya help peeps, have a good day!

mr blair

So you want to call something in library to scroll?

yes please mate, that is exactly what i am trying to do…thanks

i suggest you look on the macromedia support centre… there is a lot of literature about scroll panes…

why dont u just load it as an external swf??

you can write this on the frme
YourScrollpaneName.contentPath = "linkagename"
this will load the libray item into your scrollpane

thanks peeps

Please use better titles in the future. “Help!” says close to nothing :slight_smile: