i’m just getting into some basic data binding stuff using 2k4’s data components, and so i need a bit of hand-holding. i’m trying to setup a simple web based ‘control panel’ that would let the owner of a website update their site by logging in, then editing a few data fields (a datagrid component), then save these changes to an .XML file.
i thought this would be simpler than using a php and mySQL db solution, but maybe not? so far i can get my flash doc to read and display data from an xml file located on a server, and i can even display the data in a datagrid and make it editable, but i can’t figure out a equally easy way to WRITE data to this xml file. it seems that using a second XMLconnector with it’s “direction” parameter set to “send” should work - but documentation on this seems to be scarce. i read that flash cannot directly write XML and needs to go through PHP or some other server-side script to do so - if THIS is the case, then would anyone know how i pass the XML data from the XML connector to the PHP script sp that it would generate or overwrite the exisiting XML file? i think i found the PHP script that will make the XML file, just need to know how to get the data in there.
i dunno if XML is the way to go - but my “database” is pretty simple with maybe 5 text strings or number elements for 20 items or so - so i was trying to avoid SQL or Xupdate or other web services since they seem to be overkill for what i need…but maybe not? any thoughts?
thanks for your time!