Variable decides gotoAndStop(15);

Hey, im building a game right now.
But im having some trouble.
I have a variable, saying that Points are 0
and points can be collected throughout the game.
and i want the level change to happen when the points are greater that some number. IE: 30 points.

i thought i could write something like

[COLOR=blue]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR=blue]_root[/COLOR].poeng == 30) {


[COLOR=blue]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR=blue]_root[/COLOR].poeng <= 30) {

dont remember what way i set the bracket, but greater. you get the point

dont worry about me spelling Points wrong. It’s norwegian, and the exact same as the variable name.

How do i write this ?
If my explaination of this problem is weak, just tell me, and i will try to explain better!
On advance, thank you for any help :slight_smile: