Variable Frustration - Can someone point me in the right direction

I have been rooting around in here and I have found a few threads that were close but not quite what I need and have gotten to a point where I am just confused and otherwise stuck like chuck.

I have been able to successfully load variables from an XML and parse them in Flash to the point that when I run the movie the output window displays the variables and the values. Here is where I am stuck - I have all my clips and instances created but now I need to attach the variables to the movie clips.

Does someone know of any tuts or maybe have a hint as to what I am leaving out. There has to be something I am not doing or overlooking I have made the leap from basic designer to learning to be more of a developer so my AS skills are kinda basic at the moment but thanks to the forums here and devnet I am learning more each day.

Let me give you an idea of what I ahve so far since I noticed some of the best developers relate better to the code itself.

My XML is rather simple

<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<!-- Where o is the object to display x is x position, y is y position, z is display interval -->
<point omc=“stimuli” xp=“25” yp=“25” zms=“200”/>
<point omc=“stimuli” xp=“85” yp=“175” zms=“200”/>
<point omc=“stimuli” xp=“325” yp=“55” zms=“200”/>
<point omc=“stimuli” xp=“115” yp=“355” zms=“200”/>
<point omc=“fixation” xp=“289” yp=“229” zms=“200”/>

The AS if formed like this

var timelineXML=new XML();
timelineXML.onLoad=function(success:Boolean) {
trace ('Data loaded: '+success);
function parseXMLData(data:XMLNode) {
for (var count:Number=0;count<data.childNodes.length;count++) {
var currentNode:XMLNode=data.childNodes[count];
var oValue:String=String(currentNode.attributes.omc);
var xValue:Number=Number(currentNode.attributes.xp);
var yValue:Number=Number(currentNode.attributes.yp);
var zValue:Number=Number(currentNode.attributes.zms);
trace (‘object_type=’+oValue);
trace (‘x_coordinates=’+xValue);
trace (‘y_coordinates=’+yValue);
trace (‘z_display_interval=’+zValue);

Now what I need to do is attach the vars to 2 different movieclips that will be effected by the values loaded from the xml. Even just being able to control the x,y right now would make me happy but right now if I try to make the clips appear on the stage in the x,y I get an error:A ‘with’ action failed because the specified object did not exist. So I am assuming I need to do something to make the object exist which is where I am confused becasue the clips exist and I have given them instance names.
