Variable help

I’m a designer and now very little actionscripting so this is probably very easy for most of you to help me with. I’m working on a portfolio site and need some help with some variables. Everything works right now but I wondered if there is a way to streamline my code so there isn’t so much and it would be easy for me to update my site in the future.

Right now I have 7 sections of work on my site: Animation, Digital Images, Interactive, Photography, Print, Web and 3D. If you click on Animation button it sets the animState to 1 and all the other states to 0, as well as changing 6 animStates to false. So if you were to click on the Interactive button next I have the following code,

on (press) {
_root.animState = 0;
_root.digState = 0;
_root.intState = 1;
_root.phoState = 0;
_root.priState = 0;
_root.webState = 0;
_root.modState = 0;

//setting rollovers to original state on press of dig image button
_root.emptyLeft_mc.colorAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.photoAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.printAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.webAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.modelAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.digImageAnim = false;


If you were to click on the photography button next I have the following code:

_root.animState = 0
_root.digState = 0
_root.intState = 0
_root.phoState = 1
_root.priState = 0
_root.webState = 0
_root.modState = 0

//setting rollovers to original state on press of dig image button
_root.emptyLeft_mc.colorAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.interAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.printAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.webAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.modelAnim = false;
_root.emptyLeft_mc.digImageAnim = false;


I know there has to be an easier way to write my code so there isn’t so much to update all the time. If some one can tell me what I would have to do and explain it to me I would appreaciate it. Thanks!