Not sure if on right forum, but I may have a curly one. I have a page with my clients .swf movie on it and some buttons that I have assigned ‘gotoandplay()’
behaviours to specify a different frame number that the movie should start at for each button. I used the following built in function from Dreamweaver;
MM_controlShockwave(objStr,x,cmdName,frameNum) { //v3.0
var obj=MM_findObj(objStr);
if (obj) eval(‘obj.’+cmdName+’(’+((cmdName==‘GotoFrame’)?frameNum:’’)+’)’);
and then I’ve add the following line of code to the button
<img src=“butimage.gif” name=“iklp” width=“180” height=“26” id=“iklp” onbeforeunload=“MM_controlShockwave(‘movieagel’,’’,‘GotoFrame’,‘24’)”>
But now the client has asked if they can input the button text themselves, and also they want to input the frame number to start at…
I’m not sure what angle to approach this from;
can i have a text input field that passes a variable frame number to the gotoandplay line of code above?
how the be-jeepers would I get their input button text to also get and assign the frame number and also start the movie at that frame number specified (phew).
I have suggested chopping up the movie into the sections and simply linking to each section with seperate buttons…but there is resistance.
I’m a bit lost. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.