I am trying to set-up a log on functionality ie. username and password.
To verify username + password I retrieve data from a txt file containing these information.
Let’s assume username inserted is: mr_one
The username is inserted in the input textbox: textbox1 (password in textbox2)
In my txt file I have: mr_one=pssw_2
That is, this user has username: mr_one and password: pssw_2
I find the username inserted, in the txt file and checks if the corresponding password is the one inserted by the user in textbox2
Password in the txt file is retrieved as: this.mr_one ;
No problem if I do not write this as a variable.
But how do I make username input variable, that is, more than one user can insert a username and password. Then obviously I can not write: this.mr_one as textbox1 now not always is mr_one depending on what username has been inserted.
I tried: txt_pssw = “this.” + textbox1
-but it is then handled as text
trace(“this.” + textbox1) just gives me the result: “this.textbox1” and not the result from the txt file.
Any suggestions ? I believe this is quite straight forward but…