Hi, I am going nuts over this. I will explain what I have. I really do hope someone could help me on this one.
in the main swf, i load an external swf to it.
loadMovie(externalfile.swf, _root.content);
And then in the external swf, I have a varible named
frametogo = new String(none);
In the external swf I have a button that does this.
on (release) {
frametogo = 3;
So it tells the textfade to go forward and in the middle of the textfade I have this action
All this works nicely when its played alone. but when its loaded to the main swf, the frametogo variable is not read in the textfade movie clip? I’m using Flash 6 on this.
all so on the first frame of the external and the main swf i have a action that goes like this
this._lockroot = true;
Can anyone get any sense of this?
Thank you, and I really appriciate if anyone can check what i have written here and maybe give it an anwser of some sort.