so i’ve got a swf that opens a new window with a swf . (AS3)
i want to send these 4 :
var cname :String;
var cwedding_date:String;
var cxml_path:String;
var cpassword:String;
this are set to the corresponding values before redirecting .
function redirect(){
var requestaa:URLRequest=new URLRequest("clients.swf");
how can i send these 4 to the clients.swf and how do i check on the other side if they exist or not ?
i searched and got all sort of details about flash -> php , as2 to as3 , swf loaded in the same swf as child etc. But i couldn t not find something spefici to my problem .
Also i want to use something like POST so the url looks clean as it is .
Thank you for your time