Vector Art Battle!

How about a vector art battle?

I thought of it like this.
The thing is to take any material object that you want to and then make a vector based picture of it. AND IT HAS TO BE ALMOST EXACT. could be a challenge…
And another idea is that you could make it like button. You see, when the mouse isn’t over the picture it’s a photo of the object.
And when the mouse is over the picture it’s the vector picture. Therefor you could decide how good it is.

You could even make up your own fantasyobject and draw it but in that case the picture when the mouse isn’t over the button should be drawings showing the object from three different angles.

Programs that can be used: Flash,Illustrator(or any other vector program).

The object: Any material object or if someone wants to paint the air, go ahead.

The properties: A swf flash file that is 800 x 600.

Does this sound like an good idea?
If it does, let me know.

Hi Ralle,

I would be interested in entering this :slight_smile:

You wanna battle me?

yeah sure… let’s just wait for a while and see if any others want to join in…

Ok Ralle,

Just give us a shout when your ready :slight_smile: