Vector fonts & manipulation (component?)

I have a client that wants to create a Flash app that allows a user to customize a jersey. The colors and logos are not an issue, the issue is the fonts!

I need a component or something that will allow the user to choose from multiple font types (preview would be nice) and enter dynamic input text and have it render in that type. So far, that’s not hard…the hard part comes in where they need to be able to scale the fonts, choose different lettering configurations (ie. rainbow, arched, bridge, etc.). Obviously the fonts will need to be in a vector format, so that’s the first obstacle and then I have to be able to manipulate those vectors on a character-to-character basis.

Does anyone know of an “out-of-the-box” solution that would simplify my life? I’m willing to pay some money for that kind of solution. I would rather do that than develop it myself, as I’m sure that will take a while. Surely someone has thought of marketing this as I do see it out there on different sites. Ideas? thx!