Does anyone know where there might be some good places to learn how to do some scripted drawings using only lines. For example, if you wanted to draw a car begining with only one line and watch as the whole thing took shape, finally ending with the finshed car looking like a blueprint sketch.
Is there a place where they might have some tutorials for this sort of thing. I’m sure that I could make a movie where I just drew every part of the car but that wouldn’t look all that great when finished so I wanted to know if there would be a good way, like scripted movement, to make the motion smooth.
you can do it all with shape tweens but that wil take forever or you can do it with mask take the image of the final state of the car and mask all parts individually and animate the mask accordingly either way is very time consuming but whats really cool about shape tweens is that theyre very small in terms of kb
Good Luck
I actually thought that if you were going to use the ‘tweening’ that the final product of something like that would be pretty large in terms of size. Perhaps I’ll give that a shot.