Is there a way to remove vertical scrolling in iframes?
I’ve been busting my head trying to figure this out for hours, so if anyone knows and would like to share that would be great. =)
Remove scrollbars from the file you are loading into the iframe. Put this between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags…
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
body {overflow: hidden};
Awesome, thank’s lost.
No problem :thumb:
actually I meant horizontal scrolling now that I think of it… d’oh.
How would I do that.
As far as I know, there is no way to disable just one scrollbar, it’s either all or none :-\
Aw man. That’s depressing.
I’ll post all my stuff later in case you want to look at it, I think it has something to do with the way my css is altering the page but I can’t seem to find it, depsite my semi-good CSS abilities.
Anywho, I’ll post tomorrow, thanks for helpin lost.
Well seeing as iframes aren’t exactly dynamically sized why don’t you just re-adjust your settings so there is no need to scroll horizontally?
cant you just put this in your frame tag or frameset tag scrolling=“no”
DDD: Even then it disables all scrollbars, in this case he wants only the horizontal scrollbars gone.
wont oveflow hidden do the same thing? hmm maybe he should adjust his content. To make sure there will be no overflow. Maybe use div’s with the clip area inside of his iframe.
Just a suggestion.
I’ve tried a whole bunch of stuff like that and it’s just some bug or something. I though I had some css messing it up, but once I got rid of the CSS and had basically a bare page some still went over. The thing is that no matter how big my frame is it will always have the exact same amount of overflow. It’s really annoying.
I’ll post up the page in a bit.
post a sample. And let me know what browser you are suing. I whipped up a sample and made sure my content was 25px shorter in width than my Iframe and mine worked. with both scrolling=“no” and overflow: auto and hidden. Iframes do not have a wide browser acceptance. You are probably better off using four regular frames. For the best browser acceptance.
Here’s the link
Let me know what else you need to see
I think I see what the problem is.
I think you should have all your content in tables. You have a bunch of divs with no z-index positioning or anything. So there is more than likely some layering conflicts there.
You are using way to many spans…Not sure why but you can pull it off with table cells.
Set a constrain size of 720. Since your Iframe is 740. Just to ensure there is no sideways scrolling.
I think if you clean up the code you will find some nesting errors and such. I noticed you are using a xhtml doc type. Is this valid xhtml? But definately you need to set some sizes within the page that is inside the iframe.
With scrolling set to auto you will only see scrollbars when necessary. I believe those divs are your problem either lose them or set some positioning and z-index’s. my .02
Well see the problem is that I’m using a blog program to do this all and they don’t believe in tables, they want to make it all super complicated, so once I throw on a CSS style it all looks great, except for the issue I started with. I might have to just try a different blogging software if I can’t figure something out.
I see nothing preventing you from changing the html code manually. They use the div and spans for positioning and applying style sheets from what I can tell. But you can always build your own. It is not very hard to build a blog. well good luck I am sure it is those divs. Not to mention many browsers will spit your site out the way it is now.
Alright, thanks for the help=)
[AS]<iframe name=“somename” src=“somesrc” scrolling=“no” width="???"></iframe>[/AS]
if you want to disable the horizontal scrollbar… just make sure that the source of the iframe, fits in the width of the iframe (ex: tables… images… etc…) get it?