Very big Movie? or bug

Hello, I just finished a site for a dentist. now my problem is that it takes for ever to load… and i don’t think it should take that long or should it?? the biggest move is 1.84mb… the others are 500 - 900 k … there external sw’f loaded to the main movie. so is there a way to make it faster oor something ?

1.84MB is huge. Especially if you want dial-up users to try and see the site. I’d look into some optimization tricks to get the file sizes down.

A ok ok so itss just big !.. do you know some optimization tricks ?? or know where i can see a tut or something. becuase it does have a picture in each swf

Depends on how the site is built I guess. Is it bitmap or vector graphics. You can also export your swf at a lesser quality without losing too much eye candy.

I just turned a 2.5 MB site into a 800k site by splitting every bitmap graphic in half, flipping half the image and grouping it with the other half to create the appearance of the full original image at half the file size. (about 40 images all animated) Visually it looks identical to the original. If I export it at say 70 or 80% I can easily get it down to 600k. Still huge but a big improvement. This might end up making your site a little more processor intensive but it will load much faster. If the image cant be sliced in half because of its shape, you can try importing a slightly smaller version of it (smaller file size) and stretching it back to size within flash. This has worked really well for me on images that have partial transparency and the detail loss isnt that noticable.

Also if you are using a vector image in an animation or over many frames, try converting it to bitmap, but if your using a large sized bitmap that isnt animated or being used over and over again, see if you can convert it to vector. If you are using bitmaps, import as png, export as jpeg. This has been working good for me, hope it gives you some ideas.