Very off topic question

During my summers I leave the igloo and move to a much warmer climat. It gets very very warm in here sometimes and I am looking for a way to keep it cool here. We dont have Central Air (electric heaters make it umpossible :wink: ) and our windows are the kind that slide side to side so a regular air conditionar wont fit.

I have heard there are ā€œapartmentā€ style ones that are more vertical than horizontal but I am unsure if those will even fit. What I am wondering is - is there a style that just sitā€™s on the floor or something and doesnt need to be hung out a window? I am not sure if this is possible because of the water and such that is given off from the cooling but I am just not sure.

If anyone could help it would be very much appreciated by myself and my family. Thank you!

I canā€™t help you find one but I have heard of/seen in catalogues some free standing unitsā€¦ they basically would have a condensation tray to collect the moisture (like under the fridge) that would need to be watched so as not to overflow - mostly the drippage would evaporate from the radient heat of motors above

O~wiseā€¦get a bunch of fansā€¦:wink:

RelandR - that is very helpful. Thank you :slight_smile:

As for the fans - Been there, tried that (for years!) and on those muggy nights, it just doesnt help dudeā€¦nothing does but cold*** Air! :wink:

Fan + BigTub-o-Ice = Oklahoma airConditioning :!:

ā€¦no Offence Okā€™ers

offtopic question: How can anything in the Random section be an off topic question? huh?? how?? :stuck_out_tongue:

hahah - very true :slight_smile: I just have never seen a question like thisā€¦

So does anyone else have any ideas? I would prefer to not have to sit in a tub with a fan, I wouldnt mind being able to do things while I am keeping cool - not just lay around :slight_smile:

sorry manā€¦ Iā€™m often plagued by the heat, and rarely have a solution. I have side to side windows and a A/C unit, but I have a home made block for the top of the window made up of plywood and computer packing foam. It wasnā€™t too hard to construct, but it does require a sabre saw and some glue.

move the food out of your fridgeā€¦

then move inā€¦

happy Tuknukā€¦



Orig by PJ:ā€¦spuuly chain untiā€¦

ā€¦Until you said ^^that^^, I had NO idea what you were talking aboutā€¦
Yes - those are probably commercially available

I think they are called ā€œswamp coolersā€


ā€¦but of coorseā€¦

or is that a drink in New Orleansā€¦




hahaha - thanks for the advince Rev - but I think the family and I are going to try and stay out of the fridge this year. I mean if we leave it out in the open - what are we gonna eat! :slight_smile:

It really doesnt take long for these threads to go awol does it? hahaha