I have been trying to create a very simple add comment feature in flash for a flash site im making. Kinda like the forums on jeroenwijering.com (clicky) but even simpler! All i want to do is system where you can add a comment with a name on the top. No need for smilies or anything like that… just a simple system with name and comment, (anything else i want i could probably figure out how to do myself)
I have been trying to do this with little success :(… (mainly to do with my lack of flash knowledge). I searched the forums and google, but all i could find were much more complicated blog systems that i did not understand.
So i would greatly appreciate it if someone helped me! And if you do decide to help, a quick explanation of the code would be very nice, so that i can edit the code for my own needs :).
Thanks in advance!
1 question: How/where do you want this comment to be shown? In a text box or text field on the page somewhere?
You could just use a type of guestbook entry to accomplish this. I have something like that we could modify to only show what was typed in the main comment box, then display it on your page.
I made one just for you. Let me know what size it needs to be and I’ll post it.
thanks azwebdesigns! either 415 pixels wide or 220 pixels wide would be great!
ok tpspoons,
Here is one that’s 220px wide. I think it’s too small but it works fine. Even if it’s not exactly what you had in mind, you should be able to see what I did and modify it. Let me know if you like it!
See the 220px file demo:
See the 400px file demo:
**I think it looks better at 415px and could do that if you need.
hi. thanks azwebdesigns!
unfortunately my temporary hoster doesnt support php… so i cant test it but it looks great! Thanks alot.
edit: posted before you edited your post.
looked at our demos, and they look great! thanks!
Does this mean you can’t use it?
no all it means is that atm we are using a free hoster, but as soon as the site is done we will buy a hosting package, (which will support php), so then it will work.
ok well ive been spending some time trying to mess around with this, and i was just wondering, how would you go abouts making it so that when you add a comment, instead of it adding a “----------------------------” between each comment it will create a new box. Do you get what i mean?
thanks again.
Not totally sure what you mean. Add a new box where? It’s not going to act like a ‘forum post’ for instance. Know what I mean?
Explain a bit more what you want to do.