Vexir want to battle!

It’s been a long time since I last battled, so long in fact, that I originally posted this in the wrong forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway, I’m bored and want to get back into the swing of things, so someone battle me pweeze :slight_smile:

3 on 3 tennis match, or a free-for-all Depending on how many people are interested. :kommie:

Hup hup hup!

Current Participants:

]Dr. Vroeg

Battle details:

This is an all-style tennis battle. Except with 6 people, 2 teams, 3 people each :beam: The way it works, one member from each team goes up, the other two are in line. One decides who will serve, and the opposing player takes an element from the “serve” and incorporates it into an original image of his own (return). The volleys will then go back and forth between the players of the team.

There will be 2 sets of volleys, so each person will get 2 images. Yeah 12 images, its a lot, but hey its fun :hugegrin:

Teams CANNOT have hte same lineup they had the previous round of volleys, to ensure that two people do not play each other twice :wink:

Image details:

The image has to be a 800 by 600 image, no more no less. We’ll try to keep conformity. No nude, obscene, or vulgar things in your images please, lets keep it clean. Other than that,

Good luck guys!