Video and its components

Hello, This is my first thread on this forum. Well, I have a video object on stage. I want to embed a
volume slider component or, a mute button onto the video object to give the user greater control of the volume.
How do I do this? I am clueless
Any help will be appreciated!

var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
cam.setMode(350, 150, 15);
cam.setQuality(0, 85);

cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);

var vid:Video = new Video();
vid.width = cam.width;
vid.height = cam.height;
vid.x = 52;
vid.y = 33;


var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone();
mic.framesPerPacket = 1;
mic.setSilenceLevel(0, 2000);
mic.gain = 50;
mic.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;

mic.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, micStatus);