Video control

[color=black][font=Arial]hi guys[/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial] [/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial]first of many post. I am Having a problem controlling an embedded video which i imported. This question is probably very simple for all you flash experts out there but i have to start somewhere. I apologise in advance. , have a video and its controlling buttons on a timeline but not the main time line. Have coded my play button as follows. [/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial] [/font][/color]

[color=black]font=Arial {
gotoAndPlay (750);

[color=black][font=Arial]Unfortunately it only makes the main timeline play head move to this frame not timeline which i want. [/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial] [/font][/color]

[color=black][font=Arial]So my question is how do i code my button so that its controls the timeline i am in rather than the main timeline. Any feed back would be super! [/font][/color]


First, you have to give your mc an instance name (in the property panel), then you can control the timeline of your movieclip by something like (“myvideo” is the instance name) [AS]on (release){
myvideo.gotoAndPlay (750):
It’s an example, it depends where you mc are located, also you can run a search on _root and _parent to see how to target path.


Thanks for the help i will try that now.

Cheers mate


no problem :slight_smile: