Hey guys, thanks for checking my posting.
Need some advice on video importing. I’m rendering up a 3d animation and wondering the best way of putting it onto the web. Its a fly-through which ideally needs to be full screen or 800x600 at least but I’m trying to decide about whether to do a vector 3d (low detail but low file size) or a 3ds max jobbie (high detail but higher file size).
I’m swaying towards the 3dsMax way at the mo as the vector just isnt getting me the detail I want. So I was planning on animating out as a mov or avi and compressing it / optimising it.
As a rough guide, what is the highest compression possible when importing a mov or avi and whats the best way?
- If I had a mov of say, 100mb could I then compress it to around 2mb - small enough to load but keep the size and most of the quality?
- I think the only way to load it is to then import/embed as I need to stop freeze frame the movie at certain points, does this put streaming out of the question. Does streaming enable you to have a bigger file size?
Mucho thanks!