
i just got a virus when i entered a web site. i dont have kazaa or any program on my computer. and i wasnt down loading anything.

here is a picture.

i cant beleve this. does anyone know if this is a searous virus.:stunned: :hangover:

hm, i think you should go to the next emergency room and let yourself be checked

from a JavaScript? wow

dont sound off the alarms quite yet.

Norton has a bad habbit of flagging dirty AS code as a virus.

A few times when writing my own code when I tested it norton flaggged me. and it was my own stuff so I knew it was okay

for some reason, i did a scan of my whole computer, and it didnt find any thing.

so then dont fret.

I like how he blotted out his last name. :stuck_out_tongue:

:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


lmfao. Jubba’s the man! I thought it was to protect like… something else, …I don’t know why I connected a file path to his IP add. Maybe I’m just a moron sometimes.

ANYWAYS-- Change your window things appearance! God that blue is blinding!


haha a javascript virus…
dont worry they are harmless. it’s called and exploit but it wont actually write anything inside your computer… most of the time the only real trouble is the antiviru pop-up…

i remember one time I opened something and it was like a crazy virus and then it turned into an ad for a video game and then I killed the guy who made it because I had had a panic attack.

So yeah, he’s pretty dead.

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**i remember one time I opened something and it was like a crazy virus and then it turned into an ad for a video game and then I killed the guy who made it because I had had a panic attack.

So yeah, he’s pretty dead. **

wow… lower the dosage of those meds man…

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**i remember one time I opened something and it was like a crazy virus and then it turned into an ad for a video game and then I killed the guy who made it because I had had a panic attack.

So yeah, he’s pretty dead. **

are you spamming from inside jail?

lol:beam: :alien: :esmirk:

It’s one of those JavaScript errors - I hate it when it does that, but you shouldn’t be too worried. Norton caught it and prevented it from doing any damage. Also, I like Windows XP’s classic view as well - the bubbly look annoys me.

Kirupa :m: