Visibility issues

hei hei

i have an external jpg loading into a dynamically created movieclip. next to that jpg i have a dynamic text box which is loading in a ‘caption’ for the photo.

well… i don’t want the caption to show up until after the photo has fully loaded, so i’m doing a little something like this:

on my caption movie clip i have_

[AS]onClipEvent (load) { _root.captionHolder._visible = false;

and on my button which loads my external jpgs i have_

on (release) {
if (bytesLoaded = bytesTotal) { _root.captionHolder._visible = true;

_root.jpg_bar._visible = true;
_root.outline._visible = true;
_root.percent._visible = true;
_root.captionHolder.text = "Grindelwald | Switzerland | 			 2003, JUNE";
loadMovie("galleryLarge/macrocosm/macro1.jpg", "backgrounds");


SO… it’s probably my newbie/wannabe AS skills which are causing me problems, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t become visible.

help please :slight_smile:


could you post the whole script or the fla.

that is the whole script, or atleast the part that is relevant. and my .fla is 15megs, so i don’t think i should post that.

i think you should change true to 1 and false to 0

jpg._visible = 0;