°°° Visited Links °°°

hello there!

i want to show when a button has been clicked on (visited), by changing the colour (or just another pictogram). How can i do this? (for an example, go http://03.asterisk.be/?03 --> you see the small icons, once visited, they turn blue). How can i do this? Is it just a simple actionscript?

thank you so much!


www.nookyalur.com and donate! hihi

I can think of two ways off the top of my head:

  1. Use a movieclip instead of a button and give it the actions:
on(rollover) {
this.gotoAndStop(desired frame);

  1. Have an invisible button overtop the original button that becomes visible when the button is click.

Yes! it worked! I tried the first way, and this is the exact actionscript:

on (press) {

thanks a lot!


I discovered another problem

when I click a MC, you see it has been clicked (see the actionscript in the post above). So no problem untill now.

The MC is placed on scene 1, but when i click on that MC it should go to a labeled frame (called “lampe”). So actually it should work just like a button. I tried it with this script:

on (press) {
on (release) {

but it won’t work. Problem is that i want to give this MC some button-behaviours… How can i solve this? I just want a button that shows that it has been visited and that links to another frame…



Okay, this is the other part: when clicked, you see the frame “lampe”, but you can’t see that the MC has been clicked…

this is the new code:

on (press) {
on (release) {

so i added a _root to show that my frame “lampe” is on the main scene.

How can i show that the frame “b” is in the MC (called “MC_knop”)???

it’s either the clicked-status without action, or the action without clicked-status… :puzzled:


it’s driving me crazy! When i click some other MC’s and then that specific MC multiple times, it sometimes works, but mostly not. (and it doesn’t stay in the clicked-status, you can turn it on and off).

i’ve uploaded the flash-file here: http://www.nookyalur.com/kirupa/visited2.fla

the MC in the left-top is the one with the changed script (clicked-status and action), all the rest are good ones (but no action, only clicked-status)