'visited' state for a button

Can anyone explain to me how i can add a ‘visited’ state to a button, in addition to the rollover and out states?
I would like visitors to see which places they have alredy been to.



I was actually after the same thing.

Thanks Claudio.

One question

How can i get those buttons to load external MCs.

I can get the 1st one to load an external MC using


onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
loadMovieNum(“loaded.swf”, 1);


but when changing the other 2 buttons to load different
MCs it continues to load the 1st one. (loaded.swf)

Any ideas??

thanks again

jeez, that must be one complicated button to have to load external files!

what are u talking about

your button is in fact a movie clip with 3 frames
frame 1 is normal state
frame 2 is over state
frame 3 is visited state
name your buttons button1, button2, button3 and so on...
total = 3;//number of buttons
movies_array = ["movie1.swf", "movie2.swf", "movie3.swf"];//array containing the movies
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	for (var i = 1; i<=total; i++) {
		if (this["button"+i]._currentframe != 3) {
			if (this["button"+i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
			} else {
for (var i = 1; i<=total; i++) {
	this["button"+i].temp = i-1;
	this["button"+i].onPress = function() {
		loadMovieNum(movies_array[this.temp], 100);