Visual Basic If Statment

ihave a checkbox called checkox1
i text box called textbox1

i want visual basic to go somthing like this,
if checkbox1.Value =1 The check to see if textbox1 is null, if it is, MsgBox"somthing is null" Else i want it to continue to the next stament

if checkbox2.Value =1 The check to see if textbox2 is null, if it is, MsgBox"somthing is null" else, Unload me

i’d say you ask your question over at VB City… its been a long long while since i last worked with visual basic and i actually totally forgot it=)


Yeha me too!
Don’t remember a thing about VB! But I’m considering getting back to it! :smirk:
Hey marty! Some advice: Lose the “selectable” for the textboxes on your footer!
So nobody can select the textboxes! :slight_smile: