Visual Basic Question/help

I realize I’m not on a VB site, but I’m a long time Kirupa member and you guys are the best at helping out.

Anyway, it’s been a long time since I opened VB and I just needed to make a real simple program. Someone enters their income, then based on their salary, their taxes are displayed.

One input TextBox, one ouput TextBox, and a button to calculate.

I’m almost there, I’m just missing something, I forget the syntax…

I have a TextBox for income:

I have a TextBox for income + taxes:

And a Calculate button:

Here is the code: (I didn’t want to use a class like you did)

Dim FinalTax As Single

Private Sub btn_calculate_Click()

Dim objCustomer As cCustomer
Set objCustomer = New cCustomer
objCustomer.income = CSng(txt_income.Text)

If income > 0 And income <= 27050 Then
FinalTax = income * 0.15

If income > 27050 And income <= 65550 Then
FinalTax = ((income + 4057.5) * 0.28)

If income > 65550 And income <= 136750 Then
FinalTax = ((income + 14645) * 0.31)

If income > 136750 And income <= 297350 Then
FinalTax = ((income + 36361) * 0.36)

If income > 297350 Then
FinalTax = ((income + 93374) * 0.39)

End If
End If
End If
End If
End If

txt_taxtotal.Caption = Format(objCustomer.FinalTax, "Currency")

End Sub

I’m getting a lot of errors, maybe tell me what I’m missing?

Here is the file(s)
