Volume Control of TimeLine Sound Clips

Hi ALL. New to the forum. I am an AS beginner. My goal is to showcase my husband’s medical and scientific artwork using AS-based interactivity. As a digital iLLustrator Hans has toyed around with animation (in Flash) a few times; now, we are teaming up and we have a serious project in the works (Protein Synthesis). I am storyboarding and narrating the biochemical steps ~ which, this will require synchronizing sound clips with the animation on the stage. Many THANKS to Mr. Bellew - I have been studying his tutorials; and, also to many - many others!! We are making progress.

QUESTION: Is there a way to control the VOLUME of narration clips embedded in the timeline ?

WHY: When we deliver this work to the client (for initial proof) – they are certain to want to make changes. Thus, either the animation will change OR the narration content is certain to change. Anticipating this change coming – I want to stay with embedded timeline sound clips (if possible) ~ but, i am stumped about controlling the VOLUME of narrative timeline sound clips.
I did read that this WAS not possible (a few years ago). And, perhaps, this is still the case. Any suggestions would be appreciated. And, if I must go the “position” of a Sound Object route – so be it. ~ Susan