Volume Level


How would i go about setting a volume level on a sound layer i have in flash?

I want to make some quite background music - i have the music in its layer but i have no idea how to make it quiter.

I also want to make a music selector - so that users can select different sound loops - how do i go about doin that?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello? Cant anyone help me??

im sure i seen a tutorial round here somewhere for chooseing diffrent sound files dont no about volume control thou.

p.s u cud always leave a lil note saying turn ur speakers down plz :smiley:

…or you could have a look at the tut at www.kennybellew.com :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Desire *
**p.s u cud always leave a lil note saying turn ur speakers down plz :smiley: **

Hahaha. Nah it wouldent have the same effect. Plus people just wouldent do it.

I cant find a tuorial :frowning:


and take a look at the link Flashmatazz gave you


*Originally posted by scotty *
**and take a look at the link Flashmatazz gave you **

yeah, really… do it…now… :beam:

lots to learn over there.