This is my first post, also my first problem. Not going so well so far! Okay, i downloaded the tutorial and read through it. Maybe not so well, since i’m a little stuck.
I wanted to modify the slider, so rather than starting off as silent, it starts off so the sound can be heard. So i edited the slider and moved the indicator further along. However, the mp3 cannot be heard until the silder indicator is moved.
i tried modifying the play button to this;
on (release) {
if (_root.mySlider.complete == 1) {
_root.mySlider.mySound.start(0, 99);
but it still doesn’t seem to work. Also the ‘circles’ don’t automatically take the height. As soon as I move the slider, the circles ‘jump’ to the correct size and the volume plays properly.
Also i’d kind of like the song to start playing as soon as its loaded. Okay, i know that i could maybe download something that does all of this already, but i’d rather (or more likely be shown how to) modify the tutorial since i’m a beginner.
Apologies, i’m new to all this. I know some oop, but actionscript and all these properties are a bit new to me.
Thanks in advance,