i will restrain from voting for now, but i know i’ll end up shamelessly voting for myself
i voted for cubed without crosshairs
i love you clownstaples!!! yours is unbeatable!!! i sat for hours on end!!!
I voted for cubed, i like it without the cross hairs more.
i voted for ilyas’ - very nice, i will search for a tutorial for this effect later but i also really liked the one cubed made as well and lost’s random words matching up to make random phrases
top job everyone
:thumb: :beam:
kinda strange noxious wasn’t chosen!
eilsoe has a cool one for a footer!
I voted for Ahmed.
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Hey, where’s noxious ? and soul ? **
yeah Soul’s footer is coolness, nice colours
I agree its tough to pickout the best from a great lot that we have here, i love em all, Great Jobs and congrats to all of you
for making it and m glad that rain GOD was nominated hahaha just kiddin m8, Good Luck MDIPI.COM =) we need rain in delhi rite now, it’s too hot
Mhhh… tough tough tough…
oh my god! i cant believe im in the list with all those others! i dont know who to vote for… ilyas it must be!
You have a great footer, Mario / Luigi. That’s why.
Hey where’s noxious I thought his entry was great!
I’m kind of shocked to see my entry in the top 15. Thanks!
chhheersss kit! ypurs rocks too, but i prefferred it when it moved!
Shame it was 76K, eh?
Clownstaples is sure to win. I voted for him. his footer got it all… even sick humor lol! Anyways there are five slots available for the winners. I just hope mine will be included!
Tough luck though!
You also had a great footer, I loved the way that the last smiley kind of sidles off the screen when you try to blow him up.
Ok, yeah I voted for clownstaples. Its excellent.
No one has voted for Zylum yet though? Its fantastic too.
May I ask why many people like cubed’s footer? Am I missing something?, because all I see is a simple mouse actionscript on a plain background.