Personally I dont get whats so great about mariofans… I mean its good and all, but unless I didn’t do something, theres no user interaction at all, it’s kinda repetitive quick, and sorta boring… But thats just my take… I’m not trying to be mean or anything.
But still… I don’t see what makes it good? I imagine most of these were hard to make, so, difficulty aside, what makes it cool? That’s just what i’m wondering…
Hey kit i thot noxious footer was 9 kb’ tht’s wat he told me and it was after i asked him to do somethin bout the background color, i m shocked, i mean really???
he told me that his footer is 9 kb coz of the background color thingy, tht’s strange :-S
My favorite here are(in alphabetical order)
Mariofan ( u mentioned something like interactivity in ur
footer, hope i see that soon )
Rest has also done a brillient job and entries like
has prooved that interactivity or even flash was not a criteria to choose the best, great job guys
*Originally posted by Gecko *
**But still… I don’t see what makes it good? I imagine most of these were hard to make, so, difficulty aside, what makes it cool? That’s just what i’m wondering… **
im sorry you seem to really dislike my footer… but ive had it for ages anyway, plus it really fits with my handle dont you think? Its not about how good / hard things are, its all about style…so there!
mariofan (upset) btw - new footer real soon because of this…lol
*Originally posted by kirupa * I picked Ahmed’s though; I spent so many times playing with his footer since he first used it =)
oh… oh… im not worthy, im not worthy
*Originally posted by Supree *
**The lesson we learned here today is to let the people vote, instead of having mods choose. **
The most immature thing I have seen from a member. ever. grow up. You didn’t win, I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have voted for your footer either.
Ok, say you did make it to the second round of judging… What if you didn’t get any votes in the second round? Would you come out again crying that it was unfair because mods did the judging?
Jubba: What I think is more important to note here is that for this contest not only mods voted. Any mods that participated in the contest were not allowed to vote, and only a select few mods were even on the judging panel. The others were all non-mods.
So I think the lesson we REALLY learned here is how sore some people can get when they lose, so they try to rationalize it.