Wacky slide panel issue from external swf

There seems to be an issue with putting my slide panel of thumbnails into a main swf as an external swf. It works but it works crappy. Stutters and such.

go to the press page:


not sure where you started with your thumb slider code… but it looks to me like its a _ymouse issue. When you load that scroller into your main.swf - the scope has changed as its probably loaded on to a target clip(?) - I’d place a trace in the scroller code - trace the _ymouse position, then run that scroller standalone - then compare the trace when its used in the main.swf… if the positions are different you’ll have to adust that position to accomodate the clip being loaded within another.

My issue has nothing to do with position I can manipulate position without any issue. Its the jerkiness of the animation and interaction with the buttons, or lack thereof, thats the issue. Thoughts?

hmmm - well the auto-scrolling thumbs stop scrolling for me when the mouse is like 50 pixels from the top of the viewable thumb area - that tells me the _ymouse capture isn’t set right. And, that can cause many of the other jerky issues.

But, if that is working as it should based on the mouse position - it seem like there are either:

a) too many masks used that are bogging the player
b) too many or just a few errant onEnterFrames running or setIntervals running - maybe one or more aren’t being stopped/cleared?
c) just too many raster items that are loaded and robbing the player of memory causing the slow-down.

It could be many things - but those are the main items that will bog a flash site.

use setInterval with a low value of about 20 millisecond and use UpdateAfterEvent

check this

got it smooth using updateAfterevent :slight_smile:

[quote=creatify;2332728]hmmm - well the auto-scrolling thumbs stop scrolling for me when the mouse is like 50 pixels from the top of the viewable thumb area - that tells me the _ymouse capture isn’t set right. And, that can cause many of the other jerky issues.

But, if that is working as it should based on the mouse position - it seem like there are either:

a) too many masks used that are bogging the player
b) too many or just a few errant onEnterFrames running or setIntervals running - maybe one or more aren’t being stopped/cleared?
c) just too many raster items that are loaded and robbing the player of memory causing the slow-down.

It could be many things - but those are the main items that will bog a flash site.[/quote]

Ah I must have misunderstand about the mouse capture because that seems a bit more relevant to the issue, any thoughts on how I fix that? I’m really a little hazy on totally what that is all about…

someone please? Please?

ok well obviously I’m not putting enough detail:

here is the link to the press swf NOT external: http://nufish.com/z_staging_08/press.html

Here is the main swf (notice how there is no lag whatsoever on any of the other animations LAG IS NOT THE ISSUE!!!):http://nufish.com/z_staging_08/

I’m not quite following your core issue - I don’t believe. I checked out both of your links and minus the _ymouse issue - the thumb scroller behaves the same in both? Are you stuck on that _ymouse issue I brought up earlier? If so, I can try to assist tomorrow - and if that is the issue, find where/if _ymouse is within the code and run some traces on it while playing it in the flash IDE - and see if there are difference in position.

The issue is I don’t entirely understand what you are saying. Yes I agree the _ymouse is having an issue because as you pointed out its upon trying to scroll up that a stutter is encountered.

But I don’t understand what your telling me to do, can you explain a little further? Pardon my ignorance on this.
The _ymouse is set in the code. All the code is on a frame within the press.swf itself, I’ve tried putting the code in the main.swf and external AS and the problem remains.

Again this code works perfectly when the press swf is published but as you can clearly see, when viewing the main swf the press slide stutters when trying to scroll it up.

gotcha… k - this will be a bit hard to talk through, can you post all the code from that frame within the scroller?

here is the actionscript on the frame for the press.swf. Press.swf is then loaded into the main swf through an MC.

tn07.onRollOver = panelOver;

function panelOver() {
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
delete this.onRollOver;

var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);

function scrollPanel() {
if(_xmouse<b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse>b.yMax) {
this.onRollOver = panelOver;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

if(tn07._y &gt;= 32) {
	tn07._y = 32;

if(tn07._y &lt;= -670.2) {
tn07._y = -670.2;

var ydist = _ymouse - 200;

tn07._y += Math.round(-ydist / 10);



i wish this were more complex, it would give the community a better reason for not helping.

Can you post the fla? Also, is that code on the root timeline of the scroller clip? This might, actually, end up being a bit complex… for it to work within any scope - ie, if you load onto a movieclip within a movieclip etc… you may have to set a few lines of localToGlobal objects in order for it to calculate the math. Or just rewrite the math.

I belive this is happening because: _ymouse is the position of the cursor on that timeline… but, when it gets loaded into another movie, _ymouse is tracked with the parent clip’s timline - thats what creates the offset.

one thing to try:
in that code - every place there exists _ymouse, try replacing that with _parent._ymouse… see if that helps, if not try this._ymouse.

hmm that may work let me try that, if not I’ll post the fla. Thank you so much, Its too bad no one else has any thoughts on this but at least you have been very helpful.

none of those things worked and yes as i said that code is on the root timeline of the PRESS.SWF, NOT ON THE MAIN.SWF.

Here are both FLA’s


[quote=kevincompton;2335686]none of those things worked and yes as i said that code is on the root timeline of the PRESS.SWF, NOT ON THE MAIN.SWF.

Here are both FLA’s


peeking at these now… did you remove press.fla?

Hmm not sure what happened, its up now.