Wacom (edited title)

i own a second hand $20 tablet. lol. i would love one of the big ones. altho i hear u dont need anythong more than a 6x9 and a decent stylus.

I just want the highest rez possible for the cheapest price.

Personaly I love my wacom and wouldn’t give it up until I had something much better in my hands.

oh man, i love wacoms. wacoms are the best. if i were stranded on a tropical island, here would be the top 3 things i would want to have with me:

  1. WACOM
  2. Pants
  3. Toiletpaper.

man, if i actually had a WACOM, i’d be as good as VTS in drawing. rumor on the streets is, VTS really can’t draw on paper. he has this magical WACOM that works like a magic wand, it draws what he wants it to draw. do you notice that all VTS’s drawings are on computer? hehehe (j/k).

anyway, to read more about this wonderful tool, visit my tribute site to WACOM @ www.wacomrules.com .

suck a big one, rhyle.


wow… i love this place.

My wacom is 9 x 12 and its kinda big. Gotta reach over it to save files etc.

I just made a flash sig and can’t figger out the html involved in posting it.

Grrr… I gonna go read some posts to figure it out.

it’s easy. Publish html from flash… then open it in a text editor and copy everything between the embed tags. That’s all there is too it. The only thing ezboard wont let you do is post object tags.

Kewl… Check it… But I wanted to NOT have a background. Can you make a forum footer transparent? Everyone tells me no. I wanted to have all of that except the background bevelled white color.

nope, not that I know of… the embed tag doesn’t care about transparency as far as I know. Try experimenting aroudn with it.

I did… Gave up real soon too. =]

hey, my footer is transparent, all you need to do is put “wmode=transparent” within your embed’s

I stand corrected… sorry.

I was thinking that embed tags were used for NN for some reason… but that wouldnt’ make sense as I wouldn’t be able to see any flash stuff at all. I guess I was just being dense.:slight_smile:

hmm lemme experiment then

I just want to know so I can look for him and pass it along in case I see one. Don’t werry, I won’t reply to him. Like the little turd that won’t flush, sound like Rhyle.


After reading the varied posts on this subject, I certainly hope your artwork is more creative, accurate and interesting than your grammar. No doubt you knuckleheads didn’t even graduate from grade school, let alone H.S. I’ll try to keep my posts down to the 4th grade reading level from now on. It’s a shame so many geeks are just idiots with enthusiasm.

Where the hell did this come from all of a sudden? The last post was almost 2 months ago. Did you really go back through the posts to find this topic? If so, I suggest you find a hobby. You know…? Something that will entertain you, and keep you-sedate. Obviously, any type of interaction with an individual of your sexual preference is out of the question.

Gandolph, could you fill me in, please? When did grammar become an important factor in message boards? Other than the time we went nuts correcting that one posters spelling errors, no one cares, so why waste your time (and more importantly, our time) to even post that? Why not just continue on with your life?

Forget it Jubby, everything that had to be said has already been said on that matter. I don’t want to take the responsability of deleting the post, but I really want to.

pom 0]

Maybe I am wrong because I suck at Grammar, but isn’t Gumbys last sentence grammatically incorrect?

“It’s a shame so many geeks are just idiots with enthusiasm.”

I think it breaks some rules. I’ll bet Thoriphes would know, he has that ‘good at grammar’ look about him. Personally, methinks he has an extra small penis and always takes it out on those around him and possibly a third nipple that he hides with shame.


I was just curious about why that came up all of a sudden. And I added my opinion while i was at it :lol:

Who was that character again ? The one who had a third nipple ??
pom 0]

Well, I know Crusty the Clown has a third nipple. It seems like there is another character I almost recall who had one also…

As for grammar and spelling I have this to say on the matter.
I’ve often been brutalized by people for my poor spelling, and sometimes I actually take offense. I think that where you’ve been, and how far you’ve come is far more important. If anyone knew me ten years ago, and examined my writing then, they would have no choice but to congradulate me on how much I’ve learned since then.

Some people are still learning, so the question is this: Should only people who are perfect in grammar be allowed to post on the internet, or write at all?
That would make no sense, since they would therefore not learn anything at all. If you critizise someone for poor grammar, and or spelling, you are only showing your own ignorance, not the ignorance of others.

That nipple thing gave me a hard time. I didn’t know, by the way, that Krusty the Clown had a third nipple. I knew he had verylong feet, way longer than Thaiti Bob’s…
Anyway, that person is Scaramanga in * The man with the Golden Gun*. James Bond. You know, Roger Moore. That brittish guy. Never mind…

pom 0]

Just making fun of you, Roger. If you read this, and I know you are, don’t sue me !