Waddaya think?

so i made this site.


let me know what you think. i am in no way a web designer but my band needed a site. everybody likes it but i’d like a more professional critique. thanks guys!


thanks for your feedback… i decided to use all flash because i wanted to be able to update the news/shows part from any computer. i use dreamweaver for my html so that should tell you right there that i am probably not as experienced in html as i should be. but i think its just easier to edit and upload a txt file rather then the whole html page… if that makes any sense.

about the scrollers. i was thinking about just doing a scoll bar… because it was so hard to scoll it. but your suggestion would make things a lot easier. its those little things i wanted input on. unfourtunetly i will have to wait until my girlfriend gets back with my laptop… she’s lucky i love her.

thanks again guys.

