Waiting if MediaPlayBack Component is done

I have begun to use the MediaPlayBack component to load and control an external FLV file in my scene. The only problem that I have is that I need the ability to have Actionscript check if the FLV file being used is done or not. I have noticed that there is a


command but I haven’t had any luck getting it to work right.

If I use the following code, I cannot get Flash Actionscript to wait on the current frame until the MediaPlayBack component video is finished.

while (myVar.complete == false){

-- or --

while(myVar.playheadTime <= myVar.totalTime){

Any thoughts? Suggestions or Ideas?

I wanted to make my own media playback component because I don’t like the look of their one. The only piece of the puzzle missing is the total time of the flvs. Are they going to update it?