Aight, I have this script and I want to click on an MC and then it plays the movie and then when it gets to a certain frame it launches the url. Attached is my FLA.
Hmm, I really don’t know. Have you tried using (_currentframe) to check if the movie is at that frame and then using getURL? For example:
if ( {
Where 20 is the frame number in the movie clip called “movie.”
Kirupa :snug:
thanx Kirupa, I was having the same sort of problem, cos Im making my site lead from a page, to my intro, on to the main site (2 options, flash/non-flash) I can now make the movie lead on to my site smoothly.
take it easy <|:^D
Can’t you just put the getURL command in that certain frame? That’s what I do, then when flash hits that frame, it launches. Or did I misunderstand?
Not for what I’m trying to do. I wrote a function and the code is on the MC. So it doesn’t exactly work like that…
Kirupa: I’ve tried that _root._currentframe == 20 and it hasn’t worked but I’m going to keep trying. Thank you very much for your reply.
Anybody else have any ideas.
Well, what I would suggest even though I haven’t even tried this sort of method yet is…
Have the first keyframe of the animation mc have “stop” and then “play” on the second keyframe. Then add the actionscript for telltarget “name of mc” to go to frame 2 and play or stop or whatever. Then add another keyframe in the animation mc a while down, oh say on frame 25. On there, add the geturl code for your site. I hope this works. I’m about to test it out.
Good luck my fellow pimp brother
:p: aussy
In about 1 minute I made this very sloppy looking version of whta I think you wanted. I wasn’t sure if you wanted teh animation visible before you pressed the button. If so, just add soem motion tween or add a blank keyframe in the beggining with stop, and remove the previous stop frame (which should now be frame 2). I hope this helps you out.
:p: aussy
umm… I’m not using TellTarget because that was deprecated in V.5 and my code is a little more complicated then that.
[edit]Look @ my code. See the grade levels across the top. It is that code.[/edit]
Ok, I didn’t read your message right lol :beam: . I’ll have a look at your fla and try to figure something out.
:p: aussy
ARGH ! Your movie spawned 20 Explorer windows and shut down Flash !
I have no idea what youre trying to do in that movie lol. There are to many frames and it makes my head hurt . I tried making this thing the way you wanted it in a new movie but it kept frustrating me. The On Release functions dont exactly work as well when applied to a movie clip instead of a button. I have an idea though. Here is a kind of outline of it.
>MC 1 - Frame1=Stop Frame2=Play
>MC 2 - Button, In Frame1 of mc1, ON Release goto frame2 and play
>MC 3 - MC, In Frame 2 of mc1, This will be the animation mc. You can have it either have the animation within the movieclip(mc3 that is), or a motion tween in mc1 involving mc3. If you have teh animation within mc3, then make mc1 have a certain amount of frames until the animation is done, then use geturl.
I hope you knwo what I mean lol. Ill trey to mak eteh move now.
OK Here is the zip file containing the fla. I hope this si kinda what you meant.
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**ARGH ! Your movie spawned 20 Explorer windows and shut down Flash ! **
That is the problem right now. The getURL ends up looping and crashes flash.
*Originally posted by aussy *
**I have no idea what youre trying to do in that movie lol. There are to many frames and it makes my head hurt. I tried making this thing the way you wanted it in a new movie but it kept frustrating me. The On Release functions dont exactly work as well when applied to a movie clip instead of a button. I have an idea though. Here is a kind of outline of it.
>MC 1 - Frame1=Stop Frame2=Play
>MC 2 - Button, In Frame1 of mc1, ON Release goto frame2 and play
>MC 3 - MC, In Frame 2 of mc1, This will be the animation mc. You can have it either have the animation within the movieclip(mc3 that is), or a motion tween in mc1 involving mc3. If you have teh animation within mc3, then make mc1 have a certain amount of frames until the animation is done, then use geturl.
I hope you knwo what I mean lol. Ill trey to mak eteh move now. **
That is too complicated to remake it. It is a dynamic navigation for a educational web site that I administer.
BTW, I need this working for a presentation on the 3rd.
*Originally posted by aussy *
**OK Here is the zip file containing the fla. I hope this si kinda what you meant. **
That FLA works but it is a lot easier then what I am trying to do.
Hmmm, even in the new movie? If so, then thats a problem lol. It didnt do that on my computer . Weird. Maybe this new one will help. I added one more action to it. Tell me if it does.
Lol ok. I can’t help yah there. Good luck though my fellow pimpin brudda.
blows brains out
bump ? hump
I got your code to stop opening multiple explorer windows by resetting checkIfClicked variable back to zero once inside the if statement.
This may not be what you’re looking for exactly but I hope it helps.