[WANTED] Experienced Designer to help set up website/forum

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica][size=2]Hello guys,

I have a large project that I want to do and I need someone who is very experienced with forums, especially VB. I am looking to design one of the biggest soccer community forums on the internet. I am putting alot of time and thought into this website and it needs to come out well in the end. For this project I need a devoted and intelligent worker, who has the smarts to do this and has delt with extremely intense projects before.

The person I choose will:

  1. Set up and build the website, as well as code, install and design a VB skin

  2. Assist in coming up with a website name

I am looking for serious applicants only. Please if you are younger than 18 do not contact me. Your work may be nice, but I have delt with several people below the age of 18 and they were not reliable. I need someone who is out of school, has delt with stuff like this before and is available most of the time.

I prefer that you have AIM, YAHOO, or MSN messenger.

Please when contacting me, do it through PM, or Email only. This way I can keep track of people who have contacted me. In your email include: Portfolio, and messenger contacts. Also, include your quotes for this project. I am looking to spend between $150-$200 maximum. The price is low because I will also give you profits from the website for the first two months we are running. The profit split will be 60/40.


Contact me:

YAHOO- scpremier152000[/size][/font]