Hi folks,
First post here. I am in the early stages of a creation of a new homepage for my webdesign business. Unfortunately, I do not feel comfortable in flash and therefore would like to hire someone to do it for me.
This is what I need:
I need someone to develop a 760w / 150h flash banner/intro for my website at: [COLOR=#22229c]http://www.ogmda.com/index2.html[/COLOR] . Your flash file will replace the placeholder I currently have on the site (the placeholder is the gritty banner with the text “it was once a job for”–doesn’t make sense, I know).
Right now I am writing up some copy/text ideas for the flash. The idea is to have the flash just animate without music. Just nice eye candy to set the mood of the site’s theme. Nothing complex, just short and sweet Of course, I’d love to hear of any ideas you may have. I have access to thousands of photos that you could use that may help with your creativity.
IN the meantime, I would love to hear from those of you interested in this project.
Secondly, I have some projects that I need to outsource that have flash requirements.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to your response. You can contact me at: [U][COLOR=#22229c]skunker@gmail.com[/COLOR][/U] .