Was bored.... so i made this

i normally spen most of my time in illustrator… but i decided to make a 'lil collage wallpaper based on the palm beach skyline…

i haven’t done any photoshop in a while so its kinda junky… here’s a small version of it

Pretty cool lookin.

Needs more color!
I don’t like the white background.

fibers! :smiley:

cool idea!

yeah… i started with white and got stuck with it…
but… i love thr fibers too… one of the best new CS filters

kay version two… i still haven’ t been to bed since 7 am two days ago… i’m doing sleep dep… so take that to heart

wow… this is my most collaged work i have evr done… never don ea full comp like that berore… i don’t care how crappy it is… i like it.