Watcha' Eat!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Watcha’ Eat on thanksgiving!?!?


Turkey, Mashed potatos, corn niblets, sweet potato, cranberry relish (homemade… good stuff), and broccoli. Mom forgot to take the stuffing out of the oven so we missed out on that. (how I could have missed that I’ll never know).

all in all I had a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Even said thanks to the millions of Native americans who had to die cruel and sensless deaths so that I might eat well this day. (yeah my inlaws know I’m a strange boy)

oh sorry though, nothing special, as usual. :slight_smile:

nothing special? Don’t they have TG where you live? :slight_smile:

nope. :o

Not here either :slight_smile:

We have a “name” (word) for it, but we don’t celebrate it :slight_smile:

It’s an american thing! :stuck_out_tongue:

h88 do you live in the netherlands? oh well…

Turkey, Mashed Patatos, Cranberry sauce, Stuffing, Gristo (Angle Wings, type of Itailan Cookie), and Blueberry Pie! :stuck_out_tongue: yum yum!

I had a cracking Chinese from the takeaway shop near my house. Needless to say, we don’t really do Thanksgiving over here. :slight_smile:

Turkey, ham, dressing, cranberries, carrot souflet, corn, green beans, and sweet potatos. Nothing like good southern cooking :).

darn strait! :P, we went over my dad’s friend’s friend’ house in VA. last summer, that was some good eatin! Kit, Chinese food is never bad!

i thought she ment Chinese food, not crack…thats kinda nasty…

i spent thanksgiving with my ffriends and girlfriend. we ate at a carls JR and played mario party 4 on game cube till 3am. woot. we also saw the bond movie

I’ve never had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, my family celebrates it, but we eat Vietnamese food. Just reading David’s post made me drool.

Top Ramen. Chicken flavored.

It’s always Orphan’s Holiday @ Rev’s house.

anyone from Moe’s who doesn’t have a place to go, comes to my house…

This year:

Citrus Glazed Turkey
Apple Cranberry Crisp
Candied Rum Sweet Potatoes
Whipped Sour Cream Potatoes
Broccoli Dijon Puff
Cajun Cornbread Stuffing
Homemade whole wheat bread
Sherried Mushrooms

for dessert:
spnge cake soaked in Orange Liqure, with Italian Pastry Cream and fresh raspberries filling, and chocolate sour cream buttercream frosting, with Framboise (raspberry sauce)

I’m still full…



Thats it Rev, next Thanksgiving, I’ll be in front of your door steps with a fork and spoon in my hands. :evil:

I love Orphan Holidays…


and if you can tear yourself away from the vacuum you call el Lay…

… wear the pants with the elastic waist…



A lot of:

Mashed Potatoes

I think there was more, I can’t remember all of it.


I had Indian food…kinda like Apu inviting Homer and Marge for dinner on a Simpsons episode. Rice with this and something else with Rice =) If there were no rice, I would starve to death! I personally don’t like the taste of turkey or ham.

Kirupa :evil: