Hey guys, I’m starting a webcomic and I ran into a snag. Is there a simple way to make a archive of webcomics and call them up in a flash swf. Preferably I would call them up using a drop-down list and go to the next/prev comic with buttons. I tried several ways of doing this with the tutorials you have available, but I don’t know how I would archive them properly without cutting in on load time. I just want the swf to call up the webcomic individually.Another problem I have run into is that with html it doesn’t matter how long the image is vertically the scroll bar will get to it all. But with the comics I have to scroll for some go off the scene space provided on the flash desktop. And when I call the movie clip with scroll pane it cuts off the extra that goes over that space. Do I need an intrigretion of html or something?..