Hi Everyone,
I’m back from quite a long period of absence from Kirupa, and I’m looking for some work.
I specialise in PHP (with MySQL integration), AJAX, CSS, (x)HTML and Javascript.
I’ve done a couple of projects over the years, starting from basic websites which only display news and other items pulled from a MySQL database - http://www.18thswindonscouts.co.uk, blogs (no examples, they’re all gone!), countless versions of my own portfolio (pictured below as I don’t have any hosting at the moment):
When I was participating in the Young Enterprise program at school, I made a couple of websites for my company, which may still be accessible - http://www.magnumenterprises.co.uk, [URL=“http://exchange.magnumenterprises.co.uk/”]http://exchange.magnumenterprises.co.uk and [URL=“http://shutter.magnumenterprises.co.uk/”]http://shutter.magnumenterprises.co.uk.
Finally, I have recently finished a work experience placement with Intel. There, I created a shopping cart based provisioning system - parts of which are going to be used on a global scale. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post pictures of this work as it is considered classified information.
I’m currently half-interested in a project which I thought up, codenamed Collaborate. When I say half-interested, I mean that there’s not much incentive to work for myself! But nonetheless, this project will be finished in the coming months (I’d say about Q2 2007, but don’t hold me to that), and released accordingly.
I’m hoping to someday set up my portfolio and get more freelance web design/development work, and right now it’d be good to get some work (and some cash, to buy the site).
So, if you need me for anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me:
I promise I’ll reply to every email I get with any questions, ideas, thoughts or problems about your request(s).
I charge a reasonable rate of £20/hour, which is around $38.
Thanks for reading,
Ben Smith