Web Domain/Name

I’m about to purchase 2 web domains and was wondering where i can get the cheapest ones… assuming there is no difference in quality (?) or anything.

  1. www.team-x4.com


  1. www.[mydesigncompany].com (dont have a name yet)

im still trying to decide on a company name… any opinions?

heres some ideas i have for my company name… maybe…

hawk (my last name



try www.doteasy.com, one account cost 30 bucks a year. no extra charges. but the down side is that there are not really many options. Such as, if you wanted PHP, you would have to pay $60 bucks for only 6 months of access.

if your talking about the domain name for your site the cheapest place i think is http://www.godaddy.com thats just for registering your websites name as for hostign try doing a search theres many options and diffrent prices

Try Name2Host.com… thats what I use. Good price

www.godaddy.com NO QUESTION!

Don’t even try the others, godaddy is the cheapest and easiest to
use. I have over 60 domains, all at godaddy, and i’ve never had
a problem.

hey flux nice to see you around again how the family and hows the office coming up havent seen anymore pics wtf??

nice seeing you again bro :beam:

hey grim. everyone’s doing well, thx =)

I’m here, just haven’t been posting a lot lately. Office is coming
along nicely. I haven’t posted pics cuz I wasn’t sure anyone was
still interested, and I didn’t want to force the issue…you know.
we’re almost ready to bring in the electrician to run power, and I
have to lay cable for my network.

I’m gonna have 4 quad boxes for power, and 6 wall ports for the
network in there. Then we’re gonna wire the rest of the house
while I’m at it. All in all, I’ll have 16 ports throughout the house. :beam:

awesome dude let us now when its all done i wanna see :smiley:

as for a name for your design company

“chicken-hawk design”

thx for the feedback, looks like godaddy is the one!


FREE forwarding!

godaddy has that too, and a lot more. It’s simply the best dipi. :wink: