Web Service Error

Hi All,

I’m having an issue connecting to a web service, the error is below, any ideas would be great!

log: 10/23 21:43:22 [INFO] SOAP: Asynchronously invoking SOAPCall: GetScratched
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [INFO] SOAP: Encoding SOAPCall request
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [DEBUG] SOAP: Creating HTTP request object
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [DEBUG] SOAP: Encoding SOAP request envelope
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [DEBUG] SOAP: Encoding SOAP request body
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [INFO] SOAP: Sent SOAP Request Message
Error opening URL "http://ww3.enterdraw.com/WebService/Scratchy.asmx"
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [INFO] SOAP: Received SOAP response from network [119 millis]
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [INFO] SOAP: Decoding SOAPCall response
log: 10/23 21:43:22 [DEBUG] SOAP: No response received from remote service
found fault
faultactor : http://webservice.enterdraw.com/
faultNamespaceURI : undefined
element : undefined
detail : undefined
faultstring : Unable to connect to endpoint: http://ww3.enterdraw.com/WebService/Scratchy.asmx
faultcode : Server.Connection